There are two awards given at PPEPPD conferences. To be eligible, nominees must have previously attended at least one PPEPPD conference.
John M. Prausnitz Award

This award, first given in 1998, is to honor researchers with a productive career of high-impact contributions to the areas of the Conference. There are no age or career stage restrictions. Past awardees are:
- Athanassios Z. Panagiotopoulos, University of Maryland, USA (1998)
- Pablo G. Debenedetti, Princeton University, USA (2001)
- David A. Kofke, University at Buffalo, USA (2004)
- Joan F. Brennecke, University of Notre Dame, USA (2007)
- Theodore Randolph, University of Colorado, USA (2010)
- Peter Cummings, Vanderbilt University, USA (2013)
- Doros N. Theodorou, National Technical University of Athens, Greece (2016)
- Carol Hall, NC State University, USA (2019)
- J. Ilja Siepmann, University of Minnesotta, USA (2022)
IMPORTANT: In addition to the Nomination Form, nominators must send letters from 3 referees to by [TBA]
Young Researcher Award
This award, given for the first time in 2019, is to honor early and mid-career researchers who have initiated high-impact contributions to the areas of the Conference. Awardees are expected to be less than 40 years of age at the time of nomination.
First awardee:
- Felix Llovell, Universitat Ramon Llull, Spain (2019)
- Othon Moultos, Technical University of Delft, Nederlands (2023)
IMPORTANT: In addition to the Nomination Form, nominators must send letters from 3 referees to by [TBA]
Other Information
- Both awards will include a citation and an honorarium to cover all travel expenses to attend PPEPPD 2025.
- The awardees are expected to present a plenary lecture describing their contributions to the areas of the Conference.
- To be eligible, nominees must have previously attended at least one PPEPPD conference.