
The particular times in which we are involved mean that society, companies, and professionals need to obtain more real answers to the challenges we face in terms of energy, decarbonization, circularity, new materials and digitalization. In this 16th PPEPPD conference edition, our purpose is to contribute to respond to actual global social challenges with the design of innovative products and processes that guarantee the higher safety, health and sustainability standards.

•Thermodynamics and transport properties (experimental, and modelling)
•Phase equilibria (experimental and modelling)
•Surfaces, interfaces and confined media
•Molecular and multiscale simulations
•Quantum mechanics and force field developments
•Products and process engineering

Processes and Applications:
•Carbon capture, storage and utilization
•Advances in reaction and separation technologies (DES, ILs, hydrates, etc.)
•Nanoscience and nanotechnology
•Materials (polymers, MOFs, COFs, hybrid materials, etc.)
•Pharmaceutical and natural products
•Clean and renewable energies
•Water and water treatment
•Separation processes (adsorption, absorption, membranes, etc.)
•Process integration and economic evaluations
•Machine learning applied to thermophysical properties
•Low global warming potential refrigerants